karen elena james
Free Resources
Is it difficult to tell people that you feel uncomfortable about something they said or did – something that oversteps what you consider acceptable?
This Guide will help you -
Feel confident about expressing yourself
Give you specific phrases to use in different situations
Keep your composure during and after voicing your concerns
Your Highly Sensitive Comforts Worksheet
If comfort is defined as our need for safety and for control over our own life, then it’s helpful to identify the situations, people, items etc. that fill those needs as well as the things that make feelings of safety and control more difficult. When we’re clear about what soothes us and what disturbs us, it’s easier to set boundaries and to attract what makes us feel better.
This Worksheet asks you to evaluate internal & external influences & to record how they affect you.
This page is where I record thoughts & ideas that I'd like to save & share.
Most of them have to do with the topics of this website -
power, self-esteem, healing old wounds, spirituality, personal boundaries, emotions,
self-expression/opening our heart & recovering our voice, nature, etc
These 4 elements have a basis in both western & eastern systems of science & spirituality, in both matter & energy, in both ancient & modern times. Cultures differentiated by numerous tribes or religions place significance on these elements in their own way. They are fundamental to our existence, no matter our beliefs or perspective and as such, are unifying forces.
Air is our breath
It keeps our mind clear
Fire is our spirit
Water is our heart
Earth is our body
Below are signs that you've unconsciously repressed aspects of your identity
to protect yourself
Your true self is hidden & you may have no idea who that is
Intimacy is difficult; you don’t trust easily yet sometimes cling too tightly
You avoid confrontation & speaking up because you’ve learned that going along with people is much less risky & less stressful
You’re numb & empty inside
Your self-esteem is low
You may be depressed or anxious
You've been coping with unhealthy behaviors such as addictions, over-eating & avoiding social situations due to anxiety
You're easily threatened by others & are overly cautious
​Understanding our fears so we can learn to trust & express ourselves is how we take
back control of our life.