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Spirituality Resources


The 12 Universal Laws


Unchanging laws that originated with ancient cultures


Divine Oneness

All things are interconnected.



Everything is in motion & has energy with its own specific frequency. High energy is attuned to other

high energy & likewise for low energy.



Our outer world reflects our inner world of subconscious patterns.



We get what we focus on & believe is possible by vibrating at the level of what we're seeking.

We're surrounded by the outcomes of past decisions.


Inspired Action

Taking steps & making direct changes invites what we want into our life.


Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

All things are always changing & tiny actions can have great effects. Our thoughts manifest physical reality.


Cause & Effect

Every action has a corresponding reaction, everything we do has an outcome.



We reap what we sow but compensation can come in different forms.



All things are neutral, not inherently "good" or "bad." We assign meanings depending on our perspective.



Everything has an opposite, so all opposites are really "two sides of the same coin."


Rhythm / Perpetual Motion​

Cycles are a natural part of the universe. Life is forever changing.



All things have both masculine (action-oriented) & feminine (nurturing & intuitive) energy.




The Serenity Prayer


​God, grant me the




to accept the things


I cannot change, 




to change the things


I can, and 




to know the difference



Spiritual Alchemy

The practice of transforming our wounds & fears into soul harmony & awareness.




Releasing preconceived notions about who we are



Freeing repressed emotions connected to trauma



Exploring our beliefs to better understand our emotions



Self acceptance of all aspects of ourselves



Letting go of our ego's excuses for our behavior



Our new authentic identity emerges



Our ego no longer dominates; our conscious & unconscious selves are harmonized​

Brain health - meditations & exercises for a calmer nervous system

Synchronization of the left (linear, logical, sequential) & right (intuitive, abstract, big-picture oriented) hemispheres of the brain is beneficial for our nervous system. This 'whole brain functioning' brings both hemispheres into

balance; most people use one side more than the other. 


As the connection between the hemispheres strengthens, the 'feel good' sections of the brain create a more

peaceful & awakened mind.


Our overall mental & emotional health is said to increase, and memory & intellectual functioning improve. 



Option 1

Brain Synchronization

Using Technology


Purpose: to produce relaxation.

This technological process is done with headphones and simply involves listening to sound waves.

You can find this meditation online.

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Brain Cognition

Without Technology


Purpose: to improve brain cognition.

This ancient Indian meditation known as a Kirtan Kriya involves repeating the mantra

"sa ta na ma" while touching fingers together in a specific pattern. 

You can find this practice online.

Option 2

Option 2

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